Elon Musk: How many posts on X during the last week of January?
27.3m points
Jan 31, 2025
How many posts will @[elonmusk](https://x.com/elonmusk)’s X account publish between January 24, 2025, 17:00 UTC, and January 31, 2025, 17:00 UTC, as measured by XTracker’s weekly count? Only main feed posts, quotes, and reposts are included. Replies do not count unless they appear on the main feed and are therefore captured by the tracker. Any deleted post is still counted if it remains visible for about five minutes—enough for the tracker to register it.
The primary resolution source is the “Post Counter” value shown on xTracker, and individual posts can be reviewed through the “Export Data” option. If xTracker fails to update properly based on these rules, information from X itself may be used as a secondary source. If neither xTracker nor X can provide verifiable data, the market will be canceled